Monday, June 15, 2015

A journey called Growth

Before this, I thought of writing on “what customers are doing with the toys (SmartSense) gifted by Ecolibrium Energy”! Then, I thought of what they are doing comes much later than how we set expectations. Early before I joined the Ecolibrium family, team used to pitch clients for SmartSense. Unanimously, the approach was to convince client to install our system – whether they buy it or take as a demo at least. A PO used to make environment joyful, whereas a demo used to generate hope. A strong plea we used to make in front of the clients, followed by our personal presence during installation to sustain client confidence. Similar appeal continued for almost six months, subsequent to my joining, though with a polished approach.

On the back-end – we used to give consistent feedback to the Tech-team about the issues we faced. Tech-team was more like a SWAT team today and was spending a great amount of time in fire-fighting. It was their great support, we could stand in front of the clients. Whenever there used to be an issue, firmware developers used to be there on the field with all his weapons, along with BD team. It was then, client created an image that we go on the site, diagnose the issue, we leave the site (if job is done, or even day gets off), we come back and ensure system operation gets on track healthily.

Then came an era when our development and sales push reaped fruits in the form of goodwill customers across Gujarat. In parallel, teams in northern India was putting full throttle efforts in convincing the clients for demo even – almost same what Gujarat BD team used to do 6-8 months back. Truly, it was not a cakewalk for them. Same cycle repeated in the Southern India in 2013-14. However, for each such leap – we had not only better technology platform to offer, but also a lot of client reference, a few channel partners and some more products to offer. I am sure, looking into the past all the clients – who are with us till date – would appreciate efforts as flawless and sustainable. I am sure they would agree with me that there were technical hick-ups in our solution, but not any flaw in the value delivery. 

With most of these customers – whom we can say innovators – have always been demanding. More demanding then the early adopters; and even more encouraging. We could successfully set rational expectations. In a typical industry – where AMC (annual maintenance charges) used to be paid for typical services (like computer, big machines, house-keeping, etc.), we could convince people faithfully for AMC for Energy Management Services. Their readiness to pay AMC shows their trust on the values, Ecolibrium Energy delivered.   

If they teach in the class about “Product Life Cycle”, some us could proudly say we have been through the journey. It’s like – it take immense efforts for a chick to crack the egg-shell. Once cracked, then comes life. If there is a life, there is an element of growth. Growth requires sustainable efforts. Sustainability has to prosper to survive. I think, we are in a stage where “Growth requires sustainable efforts”.

Beginning with a stable SmartSense, this year we are much equipped and ready to gear up GridSense and GreenSense. While SmartSense will penetrate further the industrial space this year, GridSense will unlock its potential having Smart Grid Projects and GreenSense shall see a way forward with a few industrial customers and hopefully a few government undertakings. For the first time in the history of Ecolibrium Energy, this year, we shall grow by stretching all its core products – SmartSense, GridSense and GreenSense – together.

(Tapan Patel is the author of this post and a long time team member and currently leads the Projects team)